"Tomorrow Will Be Kinder" de The Secret Sisters, disponible en iTunes

"Tomorrow Will Be Kinder" del dúo The Secret Sisters, canción que integra el soundtrack de The Hunger Games, está disponible ya para descargar en iTunes (click aquí).

Pueden escuchar la canción acá:

Les dejamos la letra: 
                                                          Black clouds are behind me
I now can see ahead
Often I wonder why I try
Hoping for an end
Sorrow weighs my shoulders down
And trouble haunts my mind
But I know the present will not last
And tomorrow will be kinder
Tomorrow will be kinder
It’s true, I’ve seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
Today I’ve cried a many tear
And pain is in my heart
Around me lies a somber scene
I don’t know where to start
But I feel warmth on my skin
The stars have all the light
The wind has blown but now I know
That tomorrow will be kinder
Tomorrow will be kinder
I know I’ve seen it before
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder
A brighter day is coming my way
Yes, tomorrow will be kinder

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